When you suddenly saw a “stupid loser” get some “magic” power and play with it right before your eyes…
When dogs become jealous…You jump, I jump!
Cat: Come on, do it, just a piece of cake for me!
Dog: …this is the third time I’m warning you, you will break my back when you drop me…BTW, it’s a killing, not only abusing…I heard smart people usually think twice before they do things like this…
Ohhh, Lord, please save me, I never thought Hooooman Beings can be so crazy…He has been practicing that for over one month, I’m afraid he is going to use it on someone…
This is one thing I don’t like about Human Being, they are lazy, they make a lot of rules and they don’t follow…shooot, I myself need to help them again…hopeless lazy-bones…loser…wasted…
After watching the small dog jumping into the torrent and saving the life of his friend, I started screening my friends one by one trying to find out who would do the same on me…
OMG! Dude must be in a very, very bad mood today…
Hi, little bear, from now on you will take big responsibility of guiding people…stand firm and straight, don’t always think about milk, okay?
This is one thing I don’t like about Human Being, they are lazy, they make a lot of rules and they don’t follow…shooot, I myself need to help them again…hopeless lazy-bones…loser…wasted…
Why does a chosen leader matter? Because everybody follows her: if she does something wrong, then all do wrong; if she does something useless and funny, the all others do the same…
Once I had a chance to choose, the outcomes were quite different, it was a 50/50 gambling, I chose the bad one and regretted a lot…
It’s weekend! My only job is to smile…of course, if that can make you happy too!

Life Needs More Daily Laughing

a horse lies on her side to reach some green grass

You got to be creative to live a better life

dzwangJan 7, 20241 min read

To live a better life? You got to be very creative! Take it easy, I am here… Honey, call 911, our house is on fire!!! My way or a muddy high way… OMG, told you not to move… Policeman: You…

a baby and a puppy laughing together

The world is so beautiful

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I can’t believe what I can see with the glasses! I know how to stop it! You have the potential of becoming a big boss in the future! Stay away, she is still sleeping! Yes, we are both very happy…

Most motivated guy in the gym

Most motivated guy in the gym

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Ohh, shoot, I’ll be late! Boss: You two did a fantastic job, the orders are keeping coming No fair, we are doing the same job, but the boss only payes me 20% of hers! Go away, that’s enough! I’m working…

a bird always bring money to a man who saved her

I’m financially free with this bird

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With this bird, I’m now financially free… Sorry, I thought too much… You really got all my attention… Can somebody help me get on? With this car, this thing becomes much easier… Never knew my wife is so creative… Thanks…

a dog is bullying ducklings whose parents hurt him before

It is my turn to bully your kids

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Finally it’s my turn to bully your kids! Yoy really think we are weak?! I’m not a bossy dog, it would be better if you massaging me gently Come on, somebody, it’s dinner time! What are you doing? OMG, you…


Unraveling the Mystery: The Key Culprits Behind Hair Loss

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From luxuriously thick locks to a receding hairline — hair loss is a reality many people, both men and women, grapple with. In the quest for solutions, understanding the causes behind this unwelcome transformation is critical. Join us to unravel…


Turning the Tables on Hair Loss: Proven Strategies To Regrow Your Mane

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Do you look at your hairbrush each morning and worry about the strands deserted from your scalp? Does the fear of going bald rob you out of your peace? If you’re glimpsing these signals, it’s time to pay a bit…


Halting Hair Loss the Eastern Way: Chinese Techniques for Hair Regrowth

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In the cyclical rhythm of life, hair loss is but a natural occurrence often influenced by multiple factors such as genetics, diet, and environmental conditions. Presently, many people are turning to the East for solutions to this commonplace concern. Specifically,…

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