When you suddenly saw a “stupid loser” get some “magic” power and play with it right before your eyes…
When dogs become jealous…You jump, I jump!
Cat: Come on, do it, just a piece of cake for me!
Dog: …this is the third time I’m warning you, you will break my back when you drop me…BTW, it’s a killing, not only abusing…I heard smart people usually think twice before they do things like this…
Ohhh, Lord, please save me, I never thought Hooooman Beings can be so crazy…He has been practicing that for over one month, I’m afraid he is going to use it on someone…
This is one thing I don’t like about Human Being, they are lazy, they make a lot of rules and they don’t follow…shooot, I myself need to help them again…hopeless lazy-bones…loser…wasted…
After watching the small dog jumping into the torrent and saving the life of his friend, I started screening my friends one by one trying to find out who would do the same on me…
OMG! Dude must be in a very, very bad mood today…
Hi, little bear, from now on you will take big responsibility of guiding people…stand firm and straight, don’t always think about milk, okay?
This is one thing I don’t like about Human Being, they are lazy, they make a lot of rules and they don’t follow…shooot, I myself need to help them again…hopeless lazy-bones…loser…wasted…
Why does a chosen leader matter? Because everybody follows her: if she does something wrong, then all do wrong; if she does something useless and funny, the all others do the same…
Once I had a chance to choose, the outcomes were quite different, it was a 50/50 gambling, I chose the bad one and regretted a lot…
It’s weekend! My only job is to smile…of course, if that can make you happy too!

Life Needs More Daily Laughing

a Chinese boy is kissing a fake girl...

There are more boys than girls in China

James TuFeb 28, 20241 min read

I heard that AI is replacing human beings now…must work very hard I’m not your mommy, your mommy is over there… The horse is trying to avoid any harm that might be caused… Dog: Okay, I’ll let you win…hahaha… Ohh,shoot,…

Chinese man dancing in smoke


David PanFeb 15, 20241 min read

Thanks for coming… To make you more beautiful… Light-music-smoke! Let’s begin… Look at meee! You need to wear a suit! –No problem… Warrior on the pig back! Something just not right… Too hot here! Tricycle walking… Use both hands while…

a dog is learning jumping from a frog

He never gets tired of learning new skills

Mandy MengFeb 14, 20241 min read

My dog never gets tired of learning new skills… Bear: Could you guys not publish this video? OMG! Who told you that I’m a Vegetarian?! I was once very rich and has a whole lake of water… I really don’t…

a goose is stoping the fight betwween two chickens

Even animal world need mediator

Ava YangFeb 2, 20241 min read

May I have some too, pleaseeee__ They are both much happier and healthier now Leave me alone, you crazy lady! Not my fault, you started it… Have a new assignment for my rooster… Can you sleep properly? Babyyyy___ I thought…

hair transplantation

Making the Cut: Identifying the Right Time for Hair Transplantation and Its Implications

David PanJan 26, 20244 min read

“It’s not just your hairstyle that defines you, but the confidence that emanates from within when you feel truly happy with how you look.” Every day, millions of people across the globe grapple with the emotional and physical effects of…

girl stands on bus with her own tool

I can stand anywhere on the bus now!

Mandy MengJan 25, 20241 min read

Now I can stand whereever I like on the bus You scared me to death, human… My uncle comes to visit us a lot at lunch time after he lost his job at fake Alibaza… I’m really pissed off today!…

two girl went wild with music

I need your support

David PanJan 17, 20241 min read

I need your support, winter is coming… I still can’t believe that she dumped me… OMG, a whole army is here to stop me! From cool to cruel, it only takes one second! I really like the singer’s fanning assistant,…

a turtle rushes to help another one who is lying on her back

I’m coming

Mandy MengJan 15, 20241 min read

No worry Honey, I’m coming… Now you are almost a dog! Hopefully he would make his way back… Ohh, my ball, my ball___ Okay, now it’s your turn… Please, please don’t try so hard to help me… Told you, no…

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