It is my turn to bully your kids

a dog is bullying ducklings whose parents hurt him before
Finally it’s my turn to bully your kids!
a group of geese attacks a boy who challenge them
Yoy really think we are weak?!
a dog is taking a bath
I’m not a bossy dog, it would be better if you massaging me gently
a panda is making noise to get her dinner
Come on, somebody, it’s dinner time!
a squirrel is doing weird thing
What are you doing?
a dog fell into water because he is scared by a jumping fish
OMG, you scared me to death…
Cats are scared by fish
Are cats not scared by fish?
a dog is climbing two walls to check his neighbours
I just want to know what’s happening on the other side…
two cats start fighting but end in dancing
How come a fighting became a dancing?
a sheep thinks he is a dog
I’m a different dog!

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